June 2004 Regents #31-40

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31 Which of these particles has the greatest mass?

(1) alpha      (3) neutron
(2) beta       (4) positron

1Alpha then neutron then beta/positron
32 In a nuclear fusion reaction, the mass of the products is

(1) less than the mass of the reactants because some
of the mass has been converted to energy
(2) less than the mass of the reactants because some
of the energy has been converted to mass
(3) more than the mass of the reactants because some
of the mass has been converted to energy
(4) more than the mass of the reactants because some of the energy has been converted to mass

1in nuclear reactions mass converts to energy


33 Which of these types of radiation has the greatest penetrating power?

(1) alpha    (3) gamma
(2) beta     (4) positron

3gamma> positron/beta>alpha
34 How many electrons are contained in an Au3+ ion?

(1) 76    (3) 82
(2) 79    (4) 197

1positive ions lose electrons


35 Which electron configuration represents the electrons of an atom in an excited state?

(1) 2–4       (3) 2–7–2
(2) 2–6      (4) 2–8–2

3Excited state promotes an electron to a higher energy level

2-7-2 should be 2-8-1

36 In comparison to an atom of F-19 in the ground state, an atom of C-12  in the ground state has

(1) three fewer neutrons
(2) three fewer valence electrons
(3) three more neutrons
(4) three more valence electrons

2F-19 has 10 n, 9 e-, 9p+

C-12 has 6 n, 6 e-, 6 p+

3 less valence electrons


37 Element X is a solid that is brittle, lacks luster, and has six valence electrons. In which group on the Periodic Table would element X be found?

(1) 1     (3) 15
(2) 2    (4) 16

46 valence electrons group 16
1empirical formula is the lowest ratio of atoms
39 The bonds between hydrogen and oxygen in a water molecule are classified as

(1) polar covalent
(2) nonpolar covalent
(3) ionic
(4) metallic

1small difference in electronegativities

between H and O

40 The graph below represents the uniform heating of a substance,
starting with the substance as a solid below its melting point.

2average KE= temperature 

no change is BC or DE

Questions 1-10 Questions 11-20 Questions 21-30 Questions 31-40 Questions 41-50

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