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 Here's the definition of Log:

 If ab = x, then Loga (x) = b.

When you read that, you say "if a to the b power equals x, then the Log (or Logarithm) to the base a of x equals b." Log is short for the word Logarithm.

Here are a couple of examples:

Since 23 = 8, Log2 (8) = 3.

 For the rest of this letter we will use ^ to represent exponents - 23 means 2 to the third power.

To find out what Log5 (25) is, we'd ask ourselves "what power do you raise 5 to to get 25?"

Since 52 = 25, the answer to this one is 2. So the Logarithm to the base 5 of 25 is 2.

Whenever you talk about a Logarithm, you have to say what base you're talking about. For instance, the Logarithm to the base 3 of 81 is 4, but the Logarithm to the base 9 of 81 is 2.

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