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Naming Compounds with Polyatomic Ions


Polyatomic Ions- are molecules made up of 2 or more atoms that are considered an ionic group, that is, a molecule with a charge.

These form compounds that will contain both ionic and covalent bonds.

Table of Polyatomic Ions



Compounds have a first and a last name.

1. Name the cation (+ ion) first (watch for NH4+…ammonium)

2. Name the anion (- ion) second …that is it

(no prefixes…except dichromate) 

(hydrogen carbonate is also called bicarbonate)

(hydrogen sulfate is also called bisulfate)

Highlight to reveal the names of the formulas

AlPO4aluminum phosphate
KNO2potassium nitrite
NaHCO3sodium hydrogen carbonate
CaCO3calcium carbonate
Mg(OH)2magnesium hydroxide
Na2CrO4sodium chromate
Ba(CN)2barium cyanide
K2SO4potassium sulfate
NaH2PO4sodium dihydrogen phosphate
NH4NO3ammonium nitrate
Sn(NO3)2tin(II) nitrate
FePO4iron(III) phosphate
Cu2SO4copper(I) sulfate
Ni(C2H3O2)2nickel(II) acetate
HgCO3mercury(II) carbonate
Pb(OH)4lead(IV) hydroxide
Cu2Cr2O7copper(I) dichromate
Cu(ClO3)2copper(II) chlorate
FeSO4iron(II) sulfate
Hg2(ClO4)2mercury(I) perchlorate
KClO3potassium chlorate
SnSO4tin(II) sulfate
Al(MnO4)3aluminum permanganate
Pb(NO3)2lead(II) nitrate
Mg3(PO4)2magnesium phosphate
CuH2PO4copper(I) dihydrogen phosphate
CaHPO4calcium hydrogen phosphate
Fe(HCO3)3iron(III) hydrogen carbonate
Na2CO3sodium carbonate
MnSO4manganese(II) sulfate
Ca(ClO3)2calcium chlorate
Fe(OH)3iron (III) hydroxide
Cu2SO4copper(I) sulfate
KMnO4potassium permanganate
NaOHsodium hydroxide
Fe(NO3)2iron (II) nitrate

Naming Covalent Compounds   Naming Binary Ionic Compounds  Polyatomic Ions Naming with Polyatomic Ions  Naming with Roman Numerals  Formula Writing  Naming Acids

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